Formerly "A Blog For Dogs"

Formerly "A Blog For Dogs"

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Blush can be a great makeup essential for some, especially for people in theater, show choir, and the Hollywood. But, simply put- not everyone needs blush.

I don't wear blush- I never have. Maybe someday, after my teenage years when my face doesn't look like it has craters comparable to those of the moon and I've lost my young glow, I might find a use for blush. Certainly not now, though.

Blush is just one of those things that looks great... if you apply it right. Too much and you look like a clown. The wrong color and you look like you have some concerning skin disease.

Blush is the thing that gives singers and actors that beautiful and lively, rosy freshly-pinched-cheeks look. Since I, and I'm sure many others don't live in a TV show or movie, that's just not necessary for us. I get enough color in my cheeks from being winded by walking down a big flight of stairs or embarrassed by accidentally spilling my coffee.

There are people that should thank their lucky stars that have naturally smooth skin with maybe one pimple residing on their chin once in a while. These people are truly blessed. They save money on four layers of foundation. They also can use blush. Don't get me wrong, blush isn't bad. I might just be a bit bitter about not being able to use it without looking like I have Rosacea.

It's also quite easy to look like what we'll call a tart if blush is not applied correctly. Traveling back to the nineteen eighties has never been so close as just one palette and brush away.(except of course unless you're counting blue eyeshadow).

In case I am so fortunate as to have a person that meets the qualifications for blush-wearing, application is plain and simple. Don't let anyone see you apply blush as they might give you a dirty look- make a "fish lips" face to start. Apply blush in an extremely light layer, and preferably a light shade for best results. Powder is probably the most common form of blush and should be fairly cheap as well as last a long time.

With blush, the best thing to keep in mind is always "Less is more."

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